Friday, 6 May 2016

Shooting Tips: How to Transition Properly Between Rifle Targets

Typically, when engaging a target with a scoped rifle, we make sure to keep our head on the stock, with our eye focused on the target and reticle before, during, and after the shot. This way we can reengage with follow up shots more quickly. If we have good shooting form, the rifle will recoil straight back and we'll never loose sight of the target. If the rifle is jumping to the right or left, the shooter's form needs correction. It can also be helpful to dial the magnification on the scope to a lower power, giving the shooter a wider field of view. 

There is, however, an exception to this rule and that's when we are shooting at multiple targets separated by enough distance that we can't see them all in the scope at the same time. 

In this case, attempting to traverse the rifle to a new target, even with the scope at a lower level of magnification, can be difficult and slow.

Under these circumstances, when the shooter is done with the first target, he or she should come off the scope just enough to be able to see the next target over the elevation turret and move the rifle so that it is pointed at the target, and then get back down on the scope.

The trick to doing this so that the rifle lines up correctly is to center the target in the middle of the elevation turret. This makeshift “sight” works surprisingly well and allows for fast, accurate transitions between distant targets. 

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